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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bus Driver Abuse

 This is my rant for the month;

For the bus driver of the 4:55 pm C37 Prairie via Lincoln from the WCE, you are an asshole... We watch you everyday speed past people yelling for you to stop and pick them up. The elderly lady that was about to get on the bus might have need a hand into it instead of you telling her she was too slow and shutting the door in her face then, driving away. Another woman asked you to hold up for possibly 30 seconds for I believe it was her daughter running to get on the bus as well and since you leave the station early everyday there should have been time for them to get on but you shut the door and drove away on her too.

When confronted by that same woman the next day you told her that you thought you were a bus not a taxi when in reality you kind of are a taxi of sorts, you take us from point A to point B and we pay for that service. You pretty much told her to fuck off. We commute daily and try to be green and it's hard when the drivers we see everyday are completely rude. Most of the drivers I have encountered have been respectful and even chatty with passengers but if you don't like your job that much then don't do it!

A man got on the bus yesterday and then saw a ride there to pick him up so as he was getting off you said something derogatory to him and looked like if you could lift you fat ass out of the seat you would have kicked him off so he'd leave quicker. The other people asking you if you were the Prairie bus you again so rudely said something along the line of 'what your eyes don't work?' then it turned out that your sign wasn't on which pissed you off even more.

   It angers me mostly where the elderly are concerned, I've seen it too many times with this one driver intentionally driving past them as they stand there trying to flag him down. That is an asshole thing to do. If anyone confronts him...the gloves are dropped ( verbally ), again asshole. How can Translink employ someone that is so blatently rude to people? I've seen some cranky drivers and everyone has their bad days but NEVER one that is so disrespectful and yet everyday when I get off the bus I say 'Thank You!' and all I get back is 'ya ya' with an implied 'whatever' so to that I say FUCK YOU bus driver, I pay for the service and even if I only go 4 stops at least I know you'll have to stop for the people there and pick them up.

You're not just an asshole you're a fucking asshole.

1 comment:

kstellar said...

It is a complete disgrace that Translink has such rude and vulgar employees working in a public service position like this. I know there isn’t just one bad apple in the bunch either because I’ve had similar experiences of my own. Not to discredit the company; I understand it’s a huge undertaking to provide public transportation for such a vast area, but there really needs to be improvement in the monitoring of quality assurance because these pricks are in the wrong line of work.