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Monday, June 25, 2012

First the Skunk now a Raccoon?

Another wonderful Friday,

Friday night is my fav night to sleep. I could be up until 2 or 3 in the morning but knowing that I don't have been up at 5:30 am should make it the best sleep-in day wake up at 2 am with your dog snarling and barking. You're hoping your dreaming but being scared awake and attempting to run towards the noise before your eyes are even fully open, can cause a problem. Then you find out that your sleepiness is not the only problem at all but it's the Raccoon hanging out in your kitchen.

I know that raccoons are ballsy but really? He could barely fit is fat fluffy body through the window which is more than likely one of the reasons Cali woke up. She's the one who patrols while Whiskey would sooner bark from the bedroom while hiding under the bed, he didn't even do that though. ( I wish he was hiding under something last weekend from the Skunk ) so the raccoon squeeeezes himself back out the window ( That looked like it too effort ) and stands on the deck almost laughing at us or weezing because he's a porker. Half the house is up and perched in the crack of the open window staring at him.

All we need now is a coyote and a bear and we've had our fill of the wildlife here. Considering there's not much space left for them and a fast food buffet on every corner I can see why they hand out in town but you don't have to be IN my house! The funny thing is that it's like EVERYONE thought they were dreaming even though they got up out of bed to come check it out.

Now aside from Choo being staked out in the yard with a paintball gun instead of the tranqualizer gun he wanted so he can tag the critters and hopefully scare them off. We tried other ways to get rid of them, ok minimally. We have even spoken to someone we know at the Vancouver Wildlife Rescue and even the things she told us to do HAVE NOT worked! These guys are immune to everything! Repellant, Cayanne Pepper, dogs, people... They are like mutant creatures sent here specifically to drive me crazy!

Really they're out to get me...

Every night at dusk you can see feel their beady little eyes watching you, checking you out and just waiting for you to fall asleep.

So this has provoked me to make a T-shirt! Don't ask me how that happened, I have no idea but I can't let it go. I'm not sure what it's going to say yet so I've been asking people around me for ideas based on previous posts. I have a few myself and I'm asking you guys for your ideas. I know a few of you prefer to e-mail or message me on Facebook which is fine. Feel free to post a comment or idea here as well.

My favourite one so far is " Welcome to my Gong Show! " which I would wear proudly!

Anyway I'm starting to ramble now. If this weekend is anything like the last 2 I'm sure some crazy, rabid animal will again attack us and ruin some part of my Friday.

 Hey...maybe they just want to live with us too.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Your lucky it wasn't a squirrel!