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Monday, July 16, 2012

The Show Never Ends

After a 2 post week previously I thought I might have nothing to say...

ya right!

Although 2 weekends have gone by now so there's almost too much!

It was busy for us. golf ball size lump in his face. Great... we think abscess, vet says spider bite gives him a shot of Benadryl. His face is fine in 24hrs.

Family came in from out of town, I went to a friends BBQ for her birthday, a Dodge car show to bake in the sun while the heat of hot asphalt made me park my butt on the outskirts in the grass by a shady tree, after I looked at all of the cars first of course. I learned that for being a whiskey girl, 1 glass of White Zinfandel can make me tongue tied and Hanna Barbara's Dick Dastardly's dog's name is Muttley. Say that 10 times fast.

I had some Woodpeckers hanging out with me on my deck! Baby ones it was a weird but cool experience because they did not seem bothered by me at all.

Then the work week as usual!

This weekend was busy too! actually a blur. I don't remember what I did except that it must have involved shopping and plants. I have hit my green thumb mode!
The Dollar Stores always have plants in need of saving for cheap and leave it to me to find them and save them. The worse off they are the better the reward when they come back lush and green for me. There is a death ratio though but out of the 3 plants I had die in the past few months, 2 of them were growing new foliage under the dead stuff. I think I have about 9 new ones now. I suck at outdoor planting. I have lilies in the garden that Choo constantly seems to step on and destroy before they can bloom. My indoor garden though is where it's at.

Sat. I went about my usual trek out to Maple Ridge to pay a bill and see my friend Kris and that perked me up after giving away money.

Just because I owe it to you doesn't mean it hurts any less to see it go.

Went home figured out how to make more plants out of existing ones and got really excited when T and Craig came over to spend the night! We watched an awful movie ( Joyride... for Steve Zahn and Paul Walker it was awful! ) but we were together again! Hmmm minus Smokey who we haven't seen since they left. That saddens me but they say he's good!

Sun Red Couch Day!!!!

Ohhh I didn't tell you about the red couch?

Well the weekend before at the BBQ a friend said she had a couch she was getting rid of on Craigslist. When she said it was red my interest was piqued. I have found a fondness for red lately and when she showed me a picture of it I was in love! It's in good condition and has a little bit of cat love but that's ok because at least 1 of my cats will be giving it love too. So after a trip to the dump to get rid of other stuff it was back out to Maple Ridge back to see Kris because her boyfriend had the truck to move my lovely red couch! It was a complete shit show of weather but we got the couch and took it home.


 Now I just have another couch to pick up and a Foosball table then my living room decor might actually match. The table will be somewhere in the basement and the boys are excited.

So go figure that I get the urge to write late last night after I wind down from the busy days just to fall asleep with storylines swirling in my head. That led into a really strange dream and finding some of the cat love on my living room floor as one of them brought me a gift.

A dead gift but a gift none the less.


Anonymous said...

Bells won't help! If your cats are good hunters it won't matter.

Unknown said...

Obviously your from my FB account! I never said anything about bells!!!! No worries! I encourage comments here instead but either way I get the message :)

Anonymous said...

The movie wasn't that bad.......hahaha