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Monday, September 17, 2012

What does it take to stay asleep around here?

The end of Summer in sight and my favourite season is about to start! The kids are back in school for their last year and the weather cools down to become to cozy comfort zone that I love it to be. The weekends are full of baking and filling foods that make any house a home.

Before we get to that stuff though, the summer officially needs to end. That doesn't seem likely with the heat we still have here in Vancouver and as much as I love animals (wild and all) I have a couple of Coyotes that I hope will freeze to death ( I know they won't ) because they almost killed my cat a week or so ago.

If it wasn't for California barking I would not have woken up in time to save Oz's ass from the 2 Coyotes trying to rip his precious face off! Now I've heard all of the "keep your cat's inside!" speeches already and the fact is, that they are cats and I'm allergic. Litter boxes are not a good thing. So why do I have cats??? 10 years ago my beloved dog died and Choo gave me Oz for mother's day shortly after. I was not expecting that seeing as I'M ALLERGIC.

The kitten stage seemed to be the worst of the allergy phase for me but, I knew he would have to go outside. Later on after we had to move and give up our other dog, I couldn't have Oz be alone so along came Boscoe as a buddy for him. Bast..? Well she's Bean's baby. When threatened to be left outside to fend for herself B brought her home and there she stays.

I didn't go back to sleep and spent 2 hours looking for Bast on Coyote night to make sure she wasn't their next meal. Only to find her sitting pretty on the porch when I went to let Smokey out to do his morning thing.

In Oz's 10 yrs we have never had an issue with any animals except other cats. He promptly kicks the crap out of them and they then avoid our yard. So coming in and out of the house has never been a problem besides that... they are hunters and they should hunt. He had a couple of puncture wounds but he's ok and really seems unfazed by the whole thing. I can say I'll never own another cat after these guys pass on.

A few days later while trying to catch up on some missed sleep from the Coyote fiasco I'm woken up at 1:30am to the sound of an explosion that scared the shit out of me! I had to think for a second about where I was and if I was dreaming. Nope...a transformer blow up outside of my house knocking out the power. Then just as I'm about to tumble back into dreamland the fire trucks start rolling slowly up the street which is almost louder than driving quickly, next comes the flashing lights of BC Hydro to fix the damage.

I drift off finally, and get woken up by the buzzing sound of my DVD player coming back to life as the power comes back on.  So sleepy once again I wake up and go to work.

A few days after that I get a frantic phone call at work from home saying that there is a swat team next door and they are kicking in the back door because... drum roll... well go figure it's a GROW-OP! I'm sure I've mentioned them before, the neighbours with what I call the Red Neck swimming pool? Maybe not but their pool was a wooden box about 4' x 6' with a pool liner in it. I wish I got pictures of that.

They're old-er-ish? Since my landlord owns about 5 properties on the block, now all of our houses need to be inspected and that's fine but for some reason my world gets turned upside down because of their stupidity.

A guy I work with says that in PoCo every other house has a dog or a grow-op in it.

So much happened and all I wanted to do was sleep. I didn't even mention the other little things that caused me aggravation but that's another blog post waiting to happen.

So for now that's it and as for the coyotes...I'll get you little bastards.


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