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Monday, April 29, 2013

Happy Birthday to Me!

It's Monday, Blog day and just so happens to be my Birthday!

Now in the days building up to it I felt a bit horrified at times but as time went on it was more like *meh* I'm OK! It's like you think that everything will fall apart or gravity will mysteriously grab hold overnight! Well it didn't and I feel just like I did yesterday except that it was Sunday and I could stay in my PJ's all day.

I had a great day at home with the family on Saturday with balloons and streamers and CAKE and food and CAKE!

How surprised was I when I came into work and saw my little cubie space decorated in my favourite colours with tiny star confetti and tiny tiny 40's everywhere! I mean everywhere, even stuck to my ass and feet and tracked all over the office.

I read a blog this morning over at  Mama Pop that pretty much summed up a new view of life after 40 but for me without all the crying.

The kids are grown, now what?? Apparently Geo Cashing a girlfriend of mine we'll call her Salt because she's the Salt to my Pepa ( good grief, not dating myself at all) told me of this Global Treasure hunting thing, not that we really get treasure but we get to find shit and get out of the house!

Just the time I'm 50 there will be people living on Mars!

As for the photo for this week I had a previous one but I choose a new one click the tab above to see!

Thanks for sticking it out with me!

See ya!

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