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Monday, January 6, 2014

...And Then We Could Have Caught On Fire

I hope your New Year is going well!

Ours was strange...well it's always strange but this was interesting and proof that we need to think in a more logical manner.

A couple of weeks before Christmas I woke up for work, turned on my bedroom lamp and proceeded to get ready. I went in the bathroom and when I came out and when I looked into my kitchen and noticed my stove was off. Back in the bedroom the lights were very dim. Now this isn't odd because sometimes if you turn on both ovens and the kettle we'll blow a breaker between the upstairs and downstairs suites. The funny thing was that it only seemed to be certain parts of the rooms. After about 20 mins of flipping switches and wandering around slightly confused everything came back on.

No problems again until...

This past Friday. So on Thursday night we were talking about how odd the power thing was weeks before. You know you get to the point where it's like hey...this could be paranormal!!!! Paranormal...I wish!

Fast forward to Friday night. Everyone is home things are good and then the TV in the living room sounded like speakers when the sound is too loud and it's blown out. It shut's off, the PS3 shuts off, and the heater kicks out but the Digital box, modem and telephone stay on... in the kitchen the stove, fridge and microwave kick off but the coffee pot is on???? All of the lights in the bedrooms upstairs dim significantly except the bathroom and, downstairs the bathroom and laundry room lights go completely out.

Then we're back to tripping breakers and hoping things will work out. After a while of doing that and the fridge and stove continuing to shut on and off, TV's ticking ( like timebomb ticking ) We figured we'd go to bed and see if everything righted itself in the morning like the last time. The larger items seemed to just not be getting enough power. We still had the internet but it was FREEZING, you know on the coldest day we've had in the past month! Like deep frost "look ice!" cold for us.

We researched what it could have been, even down to the Smart Meters causing power surges but those surges ended up in Fires and Explosions...ok, not making me feel better.

I wake up!
High hopes!

Teeth chattering I go into the kitchen the stove is on yay!... for about 10 seconds. Then it's one of those things where you ask do I call and Electrician or BC Hydro? I called BC Hydro and guess what the had a menu selection for exactly what our problem was! They sent someone out to check it and he tells us ( in a matter of fact way )that there was a break in our line and the electricity was arcing from point to point trying to connect and we were lucky because we could have caught on fire.

Caught on fire?

Now we've been EXTREMELY lucky we haven't caught on fire...unless you count the time Allan lit the dryer lint on fire by accident and the shop caught...nevermind that's another story. Usually our bad luck in the house is water related.

Ugh I think it's time to move...

See ya

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