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Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tiny Rant...Just a Tiny One

Hi Guys!

I had a little time off and took the time to shake the cobwebs from my brain to try and focus on what comes the same time with the mentality that I could be hit by a bus tomorrow so I should enjoy my time now. Then I watched the news...and read the news and it made me sad as well as informed but it made me remember why I don't watch the news on a regular basis.

After readjusting my thoughts on top of an insane urge/need, bordering on obsession to go to the UK lately I figured I was going to find the most efficient and cost effective way to commute along with changing other things (now you see where the rant part is heading) in order to help make that happen. It might take a couple of years...who am I kidding of course it will! So After Christmas starting in January I'm going to start saving my pennies...wait we don't have those anymore, so nickles and see how much I have by the end of the year.

I'm so lucky to live in an area where I have access to all forms of transit. I have a few blocks to the West Coast Express $13.75 per day or $201 per month. This includes bathrooms on each car and a coffee car that I never use but it's there. Occasionally it's delayed because of hitting a bear, engine trouble or a switch issue that results in us sitting on the track waiting for someone from Calgary to approve the switch. Still very reliable though. and only takes 35 mins to travel.

Not ranting yet...

I have a bus stop a block away from my front door and that bus will take me straight downtown to 1 bus $5.50 one way, $11.00 per day, day pass $9.75 1hour 15mins into the city and about 1 1/2 hours home. Today I decided to take the bus and skytrain again a block away from my house, same cost but 1 1/2 hours in and almost 2 home.

Now I rant...

So as much as I want to spend less time and money commuting here is where my problem is. If I take the one shot bus it's fine no issues, but the skytrain...oh the skytrain really brings out my commuter rage. You guys that have been there with me through it know that half the time I just want to clothesline people and the Taurus that I am wants to cram a horn up someones ass. I have personal space issues for sure unless I like you.

As I'm standing on the skytrain all is well and I can half read the paper while I hang on for the stops and starts of the train. The train stopped and enough people got off so that I can get a seat YAY! Now know that we're packed in like sardines in a can let the fun begin! I can handle that...most times.

Beside me I have a guy who pretty much has his umbrella on my neck as he's standing, in front of me I have a short woman (yes her height matters here) who is carrying a large tote bag that is resting on my lap and no matter how hard she tried to make sure it wasn't on my lap it would just have to be because she was tiny and I couldn't move in any direction at the same time the gentleman sitting beside me looked like he was having just as much fun as I was because as people moved on or off the train I would be pushed wet neck and bag knees into him every couple of minutes along with my own gear that I carry and trying to read the paper. I gave up.

By the time I got to Burrard I was annoyed and even more so when I got up and my ass was wet because apparently umbrella on my neck guy was dripping down the back of my seat. Yee... Haw..

Then the movement of commuter cattle began again and with one escalator out for the past few months it's a press of bodies trying to get ahead of one another just to get away from each other. So I'm up and out and breathing again when I hit W. Georgia I took out my REPLACEMENT umbrella ( one of the kids lost mine and... um... replaced it ) and it crumbled to the point where I was almost one of those people who'd had enough and had a temper tantrum on the sidewalk.

Deep breath Steph...deep...breath...

I know things can't be helped when commuting and I do take steps to be a less agitated and understanding commuter. I try not to be in anyone's way especially when I hear someone cough or sneeze then thoughts of The Stand come to mind. I know dramatic right? the news this shit happens. So after the longest and most uncomfortable commute I've decided that the bus/skytrain route completely sucks and I don't want to do that again plus it is the longest route. Once the Evergreen line is complete and crosses the skyline maybe I'll try it again?...probably not...someone might get hurt.

Now that the commuting part has been taken care of for now and I am trying to focus on the things I need to do and you know...DO THEM my head is clear and I'm gearing up for the oodles and oodles of Christmas cheer at the Festival this weekend because if I can do this then I can do anything!

Have a great week Lovelies!

See Ya

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